Leveler Poetry Journal
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The girl with a mother throws the mother


The girl with a mother throws the mother

to the ground as she runs, &

the mother becomes a mirror, the mother becomes

a forest. The mother flees to the opposite

side of the ocean, & the girl is free of the mother. The girl

celebrates the absence of mother before

the mother opens her mouth to reveal yard after yard

of silk teeth, & inside the teeth, gifts: yarn,

homemade paper, railroad nail, necklaces, blue glass,

tea. The girl pours silk into all the corners

of her house & thinks about silk constantly & wonders

about her own red teeth. The girl

with a mother climbs into a tower to be free

of the mother, & the mother turns her sadness to a ladder

to climb to the girl & bring her back

to the banks of the river where she was born. The mother

gives up speaking to build a ship

out of ghosts, then touches the ghosts as if

they were sails, & the girl runs.

Rachel Bennett