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Reverse Evolution of Various Non-Mammals


a skein of flies: suckling a bird
tendon cracked: in a carton
specked with oil: I think of you:
in morning pace: avoiding what
the sun’s not giving: anything
with which to work: to confuse
pith as withholding is: a stranger’s
color blindness yet: overripe
hydrangeas often leave me non
-negotiable: undiscerning on
the sly: in the lesser hours
of July and thus: I take the room
to be alone: not in wait but not
not in wait– it’s a nuance okay:
a gradient of blue: to blue grey:
to sate me with a question is: to wilt
the maudlin bonsai: I’ve watered
with a dropper for upwards of
a score: to not would be to call a lark
a crow: I’m here to bore myself
across the bones of brick cross
-walks rotting: a peeled water
bottle: striking flint to cardboard:
extracting vinegar to and from
the eye: it’s what I do: matriculating
chores: to provoke the little hand:
to not bleed a thumb: with its adjacent
finger: it’s the worst kind of fun:
loving that which won’t: pretend
to move: a scotch taped moon:
an orphaned chicken bone: every
horseshoe crab I’ve seen was: just
a shell: except the ones in zoos

Ellen Boyette