Leveler Poetry Journal
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I have this thing about

the count I’ve lost. Bench-

warm the business end

of “I’ll pass.” I stick to blue

chip glitches. Psyche’s pool

house I crash in. It gives

perspective, as in, it blows

my head off. Flits among

kiosked salts. The person

I’m becoming is the one I

bug my phone with. Creature

who folds & remains in ur-

proportion. Gets his head on

straight ad nauseum. My head,

blown off, leaves my shirt

label readable. Loved ones

picture me in fields I’ve had

my fill of. Rust pelt & radio

wire. It feels spot on when

I stray. Reach promontoried

new lows, dig my heels into

a safety net. Friends, family

are ego’s browsing history.

The stay I cut short. Mem-

ories they jog I topple like

milk jugs. Put my mouth

to a sobbing breast. I hit

Record. I’m getting this!

Curtis Rogers